You know when you read a book and it's so amazing that you read it through the night and when it's over you just sit there hugging it to your chest not knowing how to explain the whirlwind of emotions you're going through and then later on when you're done you want everyone you know to know how awesome this book is and want everyone to read it so they can experience the awesomeness with you and you will always remember the first time you read it and the way you felt the first time you were reading it in the middle of the night and you want to go back to that time and want to read the book again but as if for the first time and that's how you learn that this is a book you love and cherish and will reread it over and over again.
A little while ago I re-read The Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare for the billionth time in my life. Words just can't express how much I love this book series, these books are not the best piece of art that is out there but they are very special to me. It's different than what I have read in the past and unique in its own ways. The love I have for the characters in this series is so much greater than the love I have for other characters. These books make me feel soo much and in a very very good way. This post is not meant to be a review but every thing about these books makes me just want to rave on and on about how good they are. The characters, there is something very passionate in them. Clare's other books are not as amazing as this is, I have to say. I read her Mortal Instruments series way back and I loved it but when I got hold of this series, man I was blown away.The first two books were out and I breezed through them. Two books in two days yeah, it's no surprise to me.
Anyways the third came out the next year after I finished the second one and the wait was agonizing. I couldn't get the book as soon as it came out because I was traveling so I had my tablet with me and I just got an ebook and I was going somewhere on a road trip with my family in a car. Anyways it was the best time to read a book because I just love spending time with a good book in a car cause I go on long family road trips. I'd read the first half of the book prior to the trip and I spent the 3 hour car ride crying my eyes out. I remember I was squished in the back seat with my mum and my aunt and someone else, my dad I think, and I was just sitting there next to the window in the car and I covered myself with my scarf so my family wouldnt see me bawling my eyes out. It was horrible and I loved every second of it. Books that make me cry says something about that book but I'll leave that discussion for sometime later.
Thanks so much for reading. :)
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