Happiness is a choice. Laying on bed, moping about the things you don't have will never get you anywhere. Instead choose to be happy by seizing the opportunities thrown at you. Here are 15 ways that will get you out of that mood where nothing feels right :
- Choose to be happy. I truly believe that you can decide what mood you want to be in for a day. If you choose to not be that person who snaps at everyone and is hating hard on life, you totally can be. The choice is in your hands.
- Don't be afraid to try new things. Say yes to new experiences, you never know what it might lead to. New possibilities lead to new chances to find things that make you happy.
- Pamper yourself. Have a spa day. Get a facial done. Paint your nails. Put some makeup on. Heck, no one can stop you from wearing that red lipstick if that's what makes you happy. Keeping your outer self nice and satisfied eventually leads to a happy inner self.
- Write. This one is my personal favorite, ihaveablogdedicatedtowritingsoduh. Writing is the best therapy I have found to help decide what you're feeling and how to get past it.
- Take a walk. Getting out of the house really helps relax you. In a world where everything has to be planned and you gotta get to things on time and follow schedules, doing something different every once in a while that's not planned helps you relax and breath and just notice the little things.
- Listen to music. Music is one of the best mood changers there ever can be. Playing upbeat dance music can instantly snap you out of your dull, unhappy mood. *whispers* Grab your hairbrush and sing and dance to Taylor Swift, I promise not to judge.
- Plan a trip/travel. A change of scenery can help change your mood easily and make you feel better about yourself. It doesn't have to be an extravagant vacation to Maldives - although no one will complain to that - it can be just a road trip to visit the hills near your town or the beach.
- Count your blessings. Focusing on what you have and not on what you don't and cant have is a good way to put things into perspective. When you are truly grateful for what you have, then you will never envy people again.
- Bake/cook - There is something about baking that calms me. I love how precise it is. How everything has to be perfect. And having a yummy treat at the end is a bonus.
- Go shopping - Buying new clothes and changing up your look will help you feel pretty on the outside as well as the inside.
- Declutter and clean. Spring is upon us. Throw out old things that don't please you anymore and keep the things that you truly cherish. Quality over quantity, people!
- Hang out with old friends. Reconnect with the people who you know will have your back no matter what, even if you don't talk to them all the time. Old is gold and old friends are a perfect example of that. Surround yourself with people who you trust and love.
- Read a book. Diving into a world that's not yours really helps distract you and keeps you from over thinking. Also fictional guys are way better than real guys, don't you think?
- Sleep. We have become so busy with our lives. Always stressed out to the point of breaking that we have forgotten the best way to relax. A good nights sleep. It's the best way to refresh yourself and forget your problems for a while.
- Disconnect. Turn off your phone. Close your laptop. Just disconnect from the internet. We live in a world where we are pressurized into thinking that if we don't keep up to date with all the happenings in the world, we are 'not cool'. Banish that notion and focus on yourself and things that truly matter.
sometimes it seems like that is all we want to do is mope a bit but we must somehow look for a way to pick our selves up and start over again