Sunday, November 16, 2014


Things I love about Fall.

Chilly Mornings.
When you wake up in the mornings and your blanket is declaring its love for you and your bed doesn't want to let you go and there is a chill in the air that makes you hide under your blanket and not wanna come out ever, that's when you know its almost time for winter. Although it is a pain to get up to go to uni, chilly mornings are still my favorite.

Even though I drink hot coffee all year long, fall is a season where people won't look at me in disbelief and go "Isn't it too hot to be drinking that?' I can curl up on my couch wearing my comfiest, coziest sweater with a cup of hot coffee in my hand and just enjoy life. In todays world where everything is moving so fast you hardly have time to stop for a second and breathe, having a moment to yourself is a gift.

Sweater weather.
It's finally time to pull out your warm sweaters and hoodies that have been locked up for the summer. It is a good time to be alive cuz it is 'socially acceptable' to go out in whats basically your night suit. Yay for soft fluffy sweaters and big warm hoodies.

One of my favorite fashion pieces are boots. Long boots. High heeled booties. Wedge boots. Little ankle booties. AAAH. I just love all of them. I love pairing them with jeans and wish I could pull them all all year long.

One thing that doesn't start until its too cold to feel your finfers are bonfires. But I still wait for them impatiently. I really love how during bonfires you relive old memories and there's just this carefree feeling that everyone seems to be high on. It's my most favorite feeling ever. Singing songs. Reminiscing. And bonding over it all.

Turning leaves.
Of course the whole point of 'fall' are the autumn leaves falling down. I've never witnessed the proper fall but I see the trees turning brown and shedding their lovely leaves to the ground. I just can't resist walking on the leaves, crunching them under my feet and just enjoying my day.

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