We all have those moments where we're just staring at a wall or out the window, eyes seeing but not really looking wondering why? Why did this happen to me? Why am I going through this? What did I do to deserve this? No matter the situation, the feelings that we all go through are the same. Betrayal from the closest friend shatters our perception of trust, dishonesty from the person who you counted on to tell you the truth no matter what makes you wonder about sincerity and the deceit that you never expected hits you with pain so hard that you could never have imagined you'd experience it.
But what we should focus on in a time like this is that betrayal flushes out your true friends, dishonesty makes you more aware of the truth and pain, no matter how awful, is fleeting. As much as you think you do, you do not deserve this. Life puts you in such situations to make you learn from them. Never let the same flame burn you twice. It might take some time, but surround yourself with people who root for you when you're succeeding, who want you to prosper because your triumph is their victory too. Friends are supposed to make you feel better about yourself. And if your friends do not, then you need to re-evaluate your life and find the ones who do. Because no matter how alone you might feel right now, where you are right now is not your final destination. It is just a bump in the road that might set you back or delay you, but your journey is far from over and if you can just cross this obstacle then you can be back on your path.