It is November ! It is officially fall and that time of the year where the leaves are falling, sweaters are being worn and we get to sit in the sun to soak up its warmth. But most importantly it is time for NaNoWriMo.
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it occurs in November. It is a month in which people - brave people I must say - challenge themselves to write a novel of fifty-thousand words in thirty days. It is my first year participating in NaNoWriMo even though I have known about it for a while and it takes some courage to attempt such a thing. As of today, we are one week into November and I am going strong and staying a little ahead of my word count (just a couple hundred words but I am still ahead so yay).
My story for NaNo was something that I came up with on the 1st of November. I was going to write one story but I switched and changed to this one. All I can say about my story is that it is in the fantasy genre and it is about faeries. YES FAERIES. I am very excited about it because there is a lot of world building - thus a lot to describe which is great for my word count - and there are so many plot directions that I'm exploring along the way.
I don't know if I will complete the fifty thousand words challenge but I am determined. I also don't know if this novel is something that I would ever get to. or want to, publish but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now I am enjoying myself and that is all that matters.
PS: I am posting updates on twitter all the time so check out my twitter for fun stuff. my twitter handle is bloggerofstars.
As always, thanks for reading. Happy writing to all of you participating in NaNo this year!